
Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Shoulds

What you should:


Ok, so even if you don't teach English, stay with me here. In The Secret Life of Pronouns, Mr. Pennebaker has spent years researching how we tend to rely on certain pronouns in our speech and what that reveals about our personalities. I haven't read this yet, but it's next on my list. There are also quizzes you can take to figure out what pronoun "type" you are! And who doesn't love a little self analysis?


Martin Scorsese's documentary on George Harrison is now out to rent. As an ardent Beatles fan (I'm so unique), I can't wait to see this! I feel that George is finally getting his dues after years of being overshadowed by Paul and Jon, and let's face it, even Ringo. But George seems to be a lot more complex than people gave him credit for.  You can read EW's review of the documentary to get a better idea of it, and according to them, Paul is still stealing the show after all these years!


In honor of Cinco De Mayo, I'm anxious to make Smitten Kitchen's Homesick Texan Carnitas! This recipe is everything I love about Tex-Mex: easy, meaty, and made better with lime and avocado!


Well, I think this weekend really plans itself since it's Cinco De Mayo! Our plan is to find a festive patio restaurant where we can partake in margaritas and lots of queso and carnitas!

In addition to 5th of May plans, we will also be celebrating sweet Lisa's birthday this weekend, and I am going on Sunday to a Graduation Tea for Krissy and Kaddy, twin former students of mine. Do you remember when you graduated from high school and all the hoopla?! I'm so flattered they invited me to share in this special time!
And hopefully, there will be enough down time for me to finally upload some pictures from Luke's birthday from last weekend! We haven't forgotten you, Bubba! But here are a few of mustache man and me courtesy of Instagram:

 I hope you all have a sunny, tasty, restful, weekend full of tacos, margaritas, and maybe even a few whacks at a Pinata! Cheers!


  1. Yep, gotta read that book. Damn, I'm dorky.

    Tiny baby mustache---that's the best!
