
Monday, March 11, 2013

A Heart Of Gratitude

I'm trying to get in a bunch a reading before our sweet baby makes her grand debut. And as much as I would like to just read mystery novels and young adult fiction, I'm trying to fit in a few "self-help" options too.

Since I'm a little burned out on baby advice books these days, I, currently reading a book about marriage. I've got to say that lately James's and my relationship has been pretty solid (it's amazing how retiring from an exhausting job will help). But I thought it wouldn't hurt for a tune up before this little person arrives to rock our world.

Right now I'm reading What's It Like To Be Married To Me? (And Other Dangerous Questions) by Linda Dillow.

The book has lots of very practical advice and examples. Today the author talked about the need to exercise gratitude in our hearts. She was talking about gratitude towards husbands, but the overarching message is to live in a way in which we are always thankful.

She included this great quote:

"I have come to believe that the prayer of praise is the highest form of communion with God, and one that always releases a great deal of power into our lives.  Praising Him is not something we do because we feel good; rather it is an act of obedience. Often the power of praise is done in sheer teeth-gritting willpower; yet when we persist in it, the power of God is released into us and into the situation."
- Merlin Carothers

I'm learning that regardless of the blessings in my life, my first response is usually one of complaint. My life can always be better, and I focus on what is missing and not going my way rather than on the abundance of riches I have.

I want to work on having a thankful heart full of praise. I want my husband to feel my gratitude towards him and the sacrifices he's made for us.
I want to set a good example for my little girl, and help her cultivate a heart of gratitude and satisfaction.

 I could be thankful if I was here. Unless it was cold, or I was bored, or hungry . . . is there wifi?

Linda also talks about the message of Psalms 92:

It is good to praise the Lord
    and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning
    and your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed lyre
    and the melody of the harp.
For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord;
    I sing for joy at what your hands have done.
How great are your works, Lord,
    how profound your thoughts!
Senseless people do not know,
    fools do not understand,
that though the wicked spring up like grass
    and all evildoers flourish,
    they will be destroyed forever.
But you, Lord, are forever exalted.
For surely your enemiesLord,
    surely your enemies will perish;
    all evildoers will be scattered.
10 You have exalted my horn[b] like that of a wild ox;
    fine oils have been poured on me.
11 My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries;
    my ears have heard the rout of my wicked foes.
12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
13 planted in the house of the Lord,
    they will flourish in the courts of our God.
14 They will still bear fruit in old age,
    they will stay fresh and green,
15 proclaiming, “The Lord is upright;
    he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.

I shared this with my sweet friend Lisa, who is at home in the Florida Keys for spring break. Right after she read it, she texted me a picture of her location that perfectly fit with Verse 12-13.

May I someday be as strong and sturdy in my pursuit of a thankful heart!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What I Know About Being Pregnant (Could Fill A Teaspoon)

Here I am moving into my third trimester, and somedays it still hits me hard that I'm actually pregnant and there will soon be a baby in the house.

I think part of this reason is that since we are building the house, we aren't doing a nursery in the condo. we will have baby girl in a pack n' play in our room until we move into the new house.

So other than researching pediatricians and reading some baby books, there's not a whole lot we are doing in preparation for her arrival. Which is both a relief and stressful all at the same time.

Not me, but the kind of calm, serene (and probably vegan) pregnant person I aspire to be.

I admit that I'm not great at this whole pregnancy thing. Mostly because I . . .

Worry too much! It was such a difficult process for us to get pregnant to begin with, that when it actually happened, I just couldn't believe it. I think on some level I'd convinced myself that we wouldn't, so that when it didn't work out, I wouldn't be disappointed. So from the first time I saw those pink lines on the pregnancy test, I've been afraid that it wasn't going to work out. I also had some spotting in the first few weeks, which was unsettling. So everyday is a battle to let go of worry and trust in God.

Have never done this before. Sometimes I feel that this would all be easier if this was my second pregnancy. But as it is, I tend to worry about every little ache and pain because I've never felt them before. Is the baby kicking enough? I have no other experience to compare it with. What will delivery be like? I don't know! The not knowing is the worst!

Have too much time on my hands. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE not working! Last year was such a nightmare workwise, and I feel so blessed not to have that stress and emotional abuse in addition to being pregnant. And although I try to stay busy, sometimes the day can feel a little too long and a little too quiet. And when things get to quiet, that's when my brain starts going.

Maybe I should learn how to do intricate body paint? It would fill up time AND add some zip to my maternity photo shoot!

But here's what I love about all of this:

1. Getting to tell family and friends the news! And especially those that were there for me through surgery and fertility treatments. The love and joy we get to share with them is priceless.

2. Feeling the baby move. It makes it feel so real when I feel her little punches and kicks. Last night James got to feel her (she usually gets shy whenever anyone else tries to feel), and he mentioned how amazing it is that there is an entirely new and different person living inside of me. Yes it is!

3. Daydreaming about her arrival. One way I've learned to calm my fears is to picture what it will be like to meet her for the first time and hold her. I think about what she will look like and her little sounds and her sweet baby smell. Those thoughts help my worries and get me so excited about meeting her.

And since I'm a newbie, something that has been so helpful has been the advice and encouragement of my friends who've already been down this mysterious and emotional road.
One person I've really leaned on has been my sister-n-law Magen. Magen is a mama of 3, and her wisdom, calm, and reassurance has gotten me through the toughest days of this pregnancy. I am beyond grateful for her!

Magen, this picture is from 2010. I think it's time for another one, don't you think?

And along the way I'd like to think I've discovered a few things to make this transition a bit easier. So allow this newbie to share her few grains of advice:


This book. I've read a few pregnant/new mom books, but none have captured my attention like this one. It's about an American woman who is raising her children in France, when she starts to notice that French parents are raising children much differently, and perhaps a bit better?
The book is a great mixture of advice and personal experience. Even if you don't agree with all she has to say, you will enjoy her witty observations along the way!


This all over your growing belly. I recently got a fabulous prenatal massage from an adorable little blonde who has 7(!) children. And seriously, she could body double for Jennifer Aniston. Now, I'm sure most of that is just good genes and healthy living, but she swore that her lack of stretch marks was thinks to rubbing this all over her belly twice a day. If nothing else, it smells amazing!


Anything from Hatch. I love love love this maternity brand. If you find it a bit pricy, they are having a great sale right now. I have two of their dresses and wear them all the time. Plus, they are so stylish that I should get lots more use of out them even after I have the baby!

So there you go folks. A few thoughts on the miracle of life from this first time preggo. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts/advice on babies, birthing, and cat-like body paint.