
Monday, June 25, 2012

A picture a day: Reading Time

I might've retired from teaching, but I think this picture proves I still got it:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Picture of the day: Booze and Babies

Traveling 8.5 hours with two children under 3 is not easy. Goes without saying, right? Well, not for those of us without children. I had no idea the amount of toys, juice boxes, and Disney movies that would be necessary to appease cranky children that have been strapped into a car seat just a little too long.
So how does one deal with the stress of car travel with little ones?
Well, in my world, one manages stressful situations in one of two ways:
1.) long naps
2.) booze
(and these are extra fantastic when combined)
Unfortunately, when driving, both of these solutions are frowned upon. So where does that leave me? COFFEE!!!

Coffee: instant tension relief thanks to massive amounts of caffeine that course through your veins enabling you to play endless games of peek-a-boo and withstand numerous repeats of The Little Mermaid- "damn it Ariel! You are a frickin' princess! Can't you just be grateful for what you have?!"

So you can imagine my joy when we stopped off in New Orleans at my favorite coffee shop, PJ's for a caffeine fuel up before continuing our trek to Gatlinburg.

So next time you find yourself in Nola, swing by PJ's and get yourself a tall cup of iced coffee. And if you're traveling with small children, burn a doughnut as sacrifice to the merciful coffee gods who bless us with their gift of caffeine when our evil government takes away our driving naps and mimosas:

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Picture A Day While The Computer's Away

So blogging without a computer is difficult. And if you know me, I hide from difficulty. I run from difficulty. I cower in fear of difficulty. Hence, the radio silence on my blog. Which is a shame because there is so much I want to share!
My summer so far has shot way above my expectations (which are always unusually high anyway), and between time with friends, the hubs, and my sweet family, it's been a marvel of good times.
But until my computer issues are resolved, I'm going to do a "picture a day" montage that can easily be done from my phone (easy being the opposite of difficult *shudder*).

Today's picture:

I'm currently caravanning with my brothers, their wives, 2 nephews, and1 niece up to Gatlinburg, TN for my dad's side family reunion. Luke, who is 1 and also dislikes difficult situations, is not feeling the 8 hour drive: